Restraint of the Senses ( indriya-samvara) : 1. Restraint of the senses is a multi-tiered meditative practice that encompasses a conscious effort to restrain our speech and actions in the outer world and to bring sati t o any sense object at the moment of its arising in consciousness. By not indulging in the habit of taking that which is pleasant in a mental process that leads to clinging or that which is unpleasant in a mental process that leads to aversion, we train the mind to stay with what is. Allan cooper 2. Sense restraint is a practice within Clear Comprehension. Circumstances define what skills we apply. Applied sense restraint is a ‘Gradual Path’ which is supported by continuous determination imbued with a caring patience. Allan cooper 3. AN 4:198. 4. AN 4:37 5. DN 2:64, 6. MN 38.
Renunciation ( nekkhamma) : 1. In the Noble Eightfold Path , nekkhamma is the first practice associated with “Right Intention.” In the Theravada list of ten perfections , nekkhamma is the third practice of “perfection ( pārami) .” It involves non-attachment (detachment) and limiting choices. Wikipedia. 2. Renunciation is an everyday practice that can simplify a person’s life by eliminating habitual reliance on habit and preference. Allan cooper 3. MN 137:10-15.
Right Speech ( sammā-sankappa) : 1 . ‘The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to End Suffering’. Chapter Four. Bhikkhu Bodhi. 2. MN 117: 3. MN 61:4. DN 2: 5. SN 45:8, 6. AN 5:198, 7. AN 10:176, etc.
Right Action ( sammā-kammanta) : ‘The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to End Suffering’. Chapter Three. etc.
Right Livelihood ( sammā-ājīva ): ‘The Noble Eightfold Path: The Way to End Suffering’. Chapter Three. etc.