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Include Dharma Study

Before the retreat and before you set your intended everyday schedule, read Nyanoponika’s commentary on sampajañña in The Heart of Buddhist of Meditation (even if you have read it before), and reread both these Home Retreat instructions and Nyanoponika’s commentary at least once during the retreat. Reflect on both and apply how you understand the four categories as they apply to your intentions for Home Retreat. Ask yourself, ‘How can I apply these lessons in my daily life during this retreat?’ The four categories of sampajañña are practical pointers and are for experimenting in applied action throughout the retreat. When you read this Guide make sure you understand the footnotes and the indexes. Don’t just gloss over them. Read them deeply and make them objects of study and reflection. Go to the source material in the footnotes. If you do, you will support intention and effort and you will get a better perspective on what and why this training can support you on your path to liberation.
Should you have time beyond the study of the above reading suggestions, you can make time each day for some formal scriptural study related to the practice; read only during a prescribed time in the day unless your job or circumstances obliges you to do so, and read only from the list of material you chose before the retreat. For example, if you want to read a particular book or sutta, get it before
the retreat and then read a little bit and reflect. The choices of subjects are almost endless, but what is important is to read within a small arc of salient subjects that relate to Home Practice and/or Home Retreat. Do not jump around to new ideas and new areas of study; this only encourages choice and preferences. You won’t go wrong by staying with the Naynopokika’s Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Bhikkhu Bodhi’s The Noble Eightfold Path, and this Guide and footnotes. Practical podcasts or

Include Dharma Study

Before the retreat and before you set your intended everyday schedule, read Nyanoponika’s commentary on sampajañña in The Heart of Buddhist of Meditation (even if you have read it before), and reread both these Home Retreat instructions and Nyanoponika’s commentary at least once during the retreat. Reflect on both and apply how you understand the four categories as they apply to your intentions for Home Retreat. Ask yourself, ‘How can I apply these lessons in my daily life during this retreat?’ The four categories of sampajañña are practical pointers and are for experimenting in applied action throughout the retreat. When you read this Guide make sure you understand the footnotes and the indexes. Don’t just gloss over them. Read them deeply and make them objects of study and reflection. Go to the source material in the footnotes. If you do, you will support intention and effort and you will get a better perspective on what and why this training can support you on your path to liberation.
Should you have time beyond the study of the above reading suggestions, you can make time each day for some formal scriptural study related to the practice; read only during a prescribed time in the day unless your job or circumstances obliges you to do so, and read only from the list of material you chose before the retreat. For example, if you want to read a particular book or sutta, get it before the retreat and then read a little bit and reflect. The choices of subjects are almost endless, but what is important is to read within a small arc of salient subjects that relate to Home Practice and/or Home Retreat. Do not jump around to new ideas and new areas of study; this only encourages choice and preferences. You won’t go wrong by staying with the Naynopokika’s Heart of Buddhist Meditation, Bhikkhu Bodhi’s The Noble Eightfold Path, and this Guide and footnotes. Practical podcasts or videos of Dhamma Talks or study material can be very helpful in lieu of having a live Dhamma talk. If you choose to use these mediums, make as much effort as possible to listen or watch with your full attention from the beginning to its end. Do not listen while driving or doing other activities. Give your full attention to the dhamma.