Hindrances (nīvarana): 1. AN 9:64 Nivarana Sutta: Hindrances. 2. The Noble Eightfold Path: Way to the End of Suffering, Chapter Four. Bhikkhu Bodhi. 3. In common usage the term hindrance means those mental states that prevent the yogi from concentrating the mind on a continuous basis. Yet, because they are so common to the mind stream they are especially rich objects to bring our non-judgemental sati-sampajañña towards, to observe in order to learn what happens. allan cooper.
Yogi Mind: A contemporary term to mean when during retreat the mind can manifest any/all of the following: obsession, swings of mood, refusing to cooperate, having the hindrances frequently arising, and/or to be under a cloud of confusion. allan cooper.
Abbreviations in footnotes: AN: Aṅguttara Nikāya, DN: Dingha Nikāya, MN: Majjhima Nikāya, SN: Saṃyutta Nikāya